Suffering Bad Breath? Here are 4 Ways to Help Combat the Issue
Millions of people around the world suffer from chronic halitosis (bad breath). This common burden mostly originates from the tongue and gums. Good news is, it’s curable and all starts with your oral health and hygiene.
Here are 4 ways to help stop bad breath.
Brush your teeth twice a day. Use a gentle, circular motion on your teeth and gums every morning and night.
Floss once daily.
Schedule six-monthly checkups and cleans. It’s important to see your dentist regularly to keep your teeth and gums in the best shape possible. Bad breath can originate from excessive plaque buildup or gum disease.
Brush or scrape your tongue as part of your brushing routine.
Bad breath is something you can get control of. If you’re due for your next dental checkup and cleaning, give us a call to schedule your appointment.
How to Properly Take Care of Your Toothbrush
This might sound pretty straight forward. But here are some helpful tips you may not have heard of before when it comes to taking proper care of your toothbrush.
Don’t use too much pressure when brushing – A lot of people think to get a deep clean and get all the plaque off, you need to brush really hard. However, this is harmful to your enamel and gums. Not to mention, your toothbrush bristles will also suffer and start to fray and fall out of place.
Rinse after use – Always rinse with warm, running water after brushing.
Store it upright to air dry – Make sure you let your toothbrush air dry upright after rinsing.
Replace it every 3 months – Not only can bacteria build-up, but the bristles become less effective over time and move or fall out of place.